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Drucker said it 30 years ago:
" To make knowledge work more productive will be the great management task of this century,
just as to make manual work productive was the great management task of the last century."

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“The future for society and the country is vibrancy in innovation.” - Dee Kapur, President of the Truck Division of International Truck and Engine, believes in what he refers to as pragmatic innovation, a term that perfectly captures the balance between creativity and profit.

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CustomGuide - interactive and modular Contact AEmeritus for a trial or account
Atomic Learning -- modular, but not interactive
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Sunday, 4 September 2005
A couple of good online learning systems
Mood:  bright
Topic: B2B

"My firm, Credit Suisse First Boston, estimates the postsecondary education sector to be approximately 9 percent of the total for-profit industry, or $9 billion. The postsecondary market will remain a very attractive sector for the foreseeable future, offering a 15 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next five years. Indeed, when compared to K?12 education and corporate training, I believe the higher education sector can take greatest advantage of the increased use of technology, especially the Internet, in delivering the educational product. Distance learning via the Internet will drive tremendous growth." ?Greg Cappelli
Senior Equity Analyst for Credit Suisse First Boston from the book, " TheWired Tower: Perspectives on the Impact of the Internet on Higher Education" By Matthew Serbin Pittinsky

Atomic Learning - software tutorials training for teachers

Atomic Learning provides software training using a unique, just-in-time approach. Our library of thousands of short tutorials on dozens of applications are focused on answering the common questions teachers, students and anyone else may have when learning software. We like to call them "atoms of learning" and they are easy to access whenever and where ever you need them.

Atomic Learning is intended as support for schools and teachers. Their lessons cover a wide range of software, including Open Source (read: Linux). The short, modular format is energetic and easy to use. Because they cover an ever-expanding range of software, they are an invaluable resource for learning.
Unfortunately, the lessons are not interactive. They're done as Quicktime movies.

Custom Guide interactive eLearning also produces the Personal Trainer books

CustomGuide makes all our computer training courseware and eLearning available online for free evaluation — preview any title and compare it to the training materials you're using. We also post all of our prices online, so whether you're interested in purchasing a single book or a global eLearning account, you can expect straightforward and honest pricing.

CustomGuide produces the Personal Trainer book series as a complement to its eLearning system, complete with lesson files drawn from its online lessons. The lessons are interactive, short, and modular. Their presentation is professional and easy to use.

Posted by amoranthus at 4:09 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2005 9:26 PM NZT
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