AEmeritus - Relevant Training

Drucker said it 30 years ago:
" To make knowledge work more productive will be the great management task of this century,
just as to make manual work productive was the great management task of the last century."

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“The future for society and the country is vibrancy in innovation.” - Dee Kapur, President of the Truck Division of International Truck and Engine, believes in what he refers to as pragmatic innovation, a term that perfectly captures the balance between creativity and profit.

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Wednesday, 21 September 2005
KnowPlace Membership
Mood:  energetic
When I first began this exploration of training and online learning, I was directed by the course background reading list to .. KnowPlace!
At that point, I had no idea where this new certification (Cert IV Training and Assessment, Australia) was going to take me.

Now, months and a couple of thousand pages of reading later, I find this community again: A group of very like-minded people now that I have overcome some of my own naivete.

knowplace is ...

In Knowplace, we work with a variety of clients who wish to improve their skills in the online environment. We:
1. Provide customized training geared to the needs of specific groups - both in Canada and internationally
2. Assist organizations and individualsmove into the online world quickly and efficiently
3. Work with partners using our dynamic open source/freeware environment to assist their clients
4. Maintain a world wide learning community for those interested in all aspects of online learning
5. Provide speakers and presentations on aspects of online learning at provincial, national, and international conferences
6. Assist learners who wish to take Capilano College: Continuing Education programs and courses.
Resource Our commitment

Customized Training

We haven't always worked online! The folks that work at knowplace learned their skills, and gained their knowledge, degrees and qualifications in the face-to-face world. Knowplace has been in business since 1988, but we haven't worked that long online! The experts have only been here for ten years. We learned how to transfer our skills to the online world through trial and error... We learned and continue to learn! We are happy to guide you with what we know.
The one important key that we have learned is that the Internet permits us to customize and individualize training programs, courses and workshops to meet the needs of others. We use the Internet in our face-to-face training programs, and the professional development training opportunities that we design for you.

As you can see from these pages, Knowplace offers a variety of programs to assist learners with a variety of skills needed in their professional lives.

Posted by amoranthus at 11:00 PM NZT
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