Topic: Marketing
When Steven Spielberg was shooting Jaws, he didn't have a dream budget. Ideally, Steven would have liked to film an incredibly lifelike mechanical great white shark attacking and consuming weak humans en masse. The problem was that an incredibly lifelike mechanical great white shark was incredibly expensive.
So he had to think of something else. Something creative. Something cheap. He decided to shoot the unsuspecting swimmers from the shark's point of view (with scary music), and it resulted in a classic memorable sequence.
While we're talking about Spielberg…remember the scene when Indy is approached by a sword wielding ne'er-do-well in the first Indiana Jones movie? The one where the bad guy flourishes his sword with practiced skill? The original screenplay called for a duel, but Ford had a bad case of diarrhea that day, and he could work only for a few minutes at a time before he had to run (pun intended). Ford consulted briefly with Spielberg, and when it was time to shoot the long, arduous swordfight, he brandished a pistol and shot his opponent. Another classic scene.
So what do all these Spielberg movies have to do with blog design? What's the connection? How do they relate? Alright already, stop with the questions.
When your back is to the wall, you get creative. It's as simple as that. Some of the most ingenious solutions have come into existence under circumstances with limited resources at hand. That's why those scenes in Spielberg's films are so good.
Well, if anyone wonders, that's how I decided to market my services using blogs instead of more conventional avenues.
Oh, and the quote is from Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content
By Biz Stone
Posted by amoranthus
at 8:26 PM NZT