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" To make knowledge work more productive will be the great management task of this century,
just as to make manual work productive was the great management task of the last century."

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Tuesday, 30 August 2005
Employees 38% more valuable
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: B2B
Here are some excerpts from the eLearning blogs:

Comment: This is another illustration of a cutting-edge company being a little too far ahead of the curve for most users. Not just in technology, but in practical pricing, 3D simulations of the work environment are going to be a part of workplace training soon, I don't doubt.
At this point, it reminds me of what Raquel Welch said when she auditioned as a model in LA: "They thought I was too much in every way!"

One company states that simulations can make employees 38% more valuable to their managers.
To an academic organization, the students will learn more and care more in less time.

But the biggest problem right now to pitching a broader simulation based curriculum is that there are not enough truly great business simulations out there, nor organizations that have a competency in rolling them out.

The other point that has to be compensated for is that simulations right now is a loaded word. Everybody thinks they know what a simulation is, and everybody's view is different.

  • Tradition instructors think of simulations as a live, real time role-play.

  • GenXers and GenYers think of simulations as entertaining computer games.

  • IT and engineer types think of simulations as predictive models.

  • Pilots and military people think of simulations as providing hands-on, highly transferable experience.

  • E-learning people think of simulations mostly as branching stories, interactive spreadsheets, and reskinned games.

  • Web designers think of simulations as virtual products.

A Emeritus simulates a person's actual work as an interactive tutorial.
A Emeritus assesses the employee by independent, internationally-recognized testing.
Without going into the expensive realm of 3D simulations, A Emeritus offers cutting edge technology that is already familiar to most trainees and companies.

We started making the stupidest mistake of all - to look for SME's through well-rated professors, great speakers, and successful authors. These were all masters of linear content, which is much more distracting than useful.

  • My corporation/institution created/bought a lot of low-cost content.

  • The end-learners were not impressed.

  • Simulations are the hot new thing.

  • How can we cheaply build a lot of simulations?

See that last question? I wish these guys would talk to me at AEmeritus!

Posted by amoranthus at 7:11 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2005 12:34 PM NZT
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